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A Tribute to Manuel Aragon

Manuel Aragon
Margarett Romo, Manuel's Sister
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Tucumcari New Mexico
My brother Manuel was a very special person,He had a heart of gold. Always ready to help anyone. We were very blessed to have had him in our lives for 43 yrs.-although for us it wasn"t long enough. His presence in our lives was truly a gift from the Lord. We miss him terribly but I know that we will be reunited one day.
There are currently no announcements for Manuel Aragon's Warm Tribute Online Memorial yet.
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Dear Manuel

A Note to Manuel by Margarett Romo posted on Tue, 12/16/08, 12:56 AM

Dear Manuel, 
          I am having an especially hard time this year. I miss you so so much. When you passed on everyone said to me "It'll get easier as each year goes by" but I didn't believe it then and I know now that it doesn"t.  I find myself crying all the time lately. The pain in my heart is so deep! I miss our talks over coffee ,I miss you living with us, I miss your smile,laughter,jokes, but most of all I miss the uncanny way you had of making me feel good about myself. You were truly an " angel here on earth"I LOVE AND MISS YOU MY  BROTHER, MY ANGEL! Your sis forever, Margarett