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A Tribute to Michael Joseph Eeckhout

Michael Eeckhout
John M Eeckhout, Michael's Brother
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I am transferring our family history from the classic CD ROM onto thumb drives. View able upon  our smart TV sets.  You taught me how to convert & update data. Thank you Mike....Still using Linux like you suggested. Now playing with the TOR web browser, I am sure you would approve. -John  Mike, I remember when I told you I was going for my extra license, and you decided to go for yours.. I remember the late night motorcycle rides.. Great times...Jシャネル バッグ マトラッセ  養豚場のブタを見る目で見下ろす私に、足を崩し掛けた男たちが無言で姿勢を正す  …… 憎しみなんてあの人に抱いた事はないわ」 そして、自分が選んだ選択肢は間違いではなかったと今も信じている  ホント、デートの約束するのって大変なことなんだなぁ 一緒に中で探検していたら、いつのまにかふたりがいなくなってこっちゃんのおばさんに後ですごく怒られたの プラダ アウトレット<br /> <br />ルイヴィトン アウトレット 店舗 「好きにしていい」「はい、わかりました」 ラポンテがうれしそうに答えた  神へささげる言葉ではなかった 「そう言えば、名前を聞いていませんでしたね」「俺はグラム、こっちのスケルトンは――」「デイトンや  それだけではなく、服の内側も肉体の稼動部位に余裕を持たせて、かつ補強もされている  エスタークの姿が見えない事にアネットは気付いた シャネル リュック<br /> <br />ルイヴィトン 長財布 皆さんは残念ながら才能を持って生まれられませんでした それを後悔している  「ひくっお兄ちゃんは私になんか会いたくなかったんだ?」 涙を瞳に浮かべながら私は彼に想いをぶつける 京都へ向かうその列車でも・・・隣りは、母子連れ 舞踏会に主役級のバレリーナが登場したかのような騒ぎだった シャネル チェーンウォレット<br /> <br />シャネル 激安店  夕闇の森林の中を抜けて、展望台へと出る      俺の中にも彼女を想う気持ちが芽生え始める 」「これなら、新人戦でも良い所まで行くんじゃないか?」    「そうだな どうして俺をここに?ただ、単純に友人の息子を連れて、というワケではなさそうです プラダ 店舗<br /> <br />シャネル 新作  「もういいわ  時計を見ればまだ8時過ぎだが、この雨を考えても放っておくわけにはいかない ガールフレンド ずっと、ひとりで育てていたのか?」 「翔太も余計なおしゃべりをしたわね  「むしろ、こっちゃんの事を覚えている方が私としてはびっくりかも」 「そりゃ、またどういう意味で?」 「ううん シャネル バッグ 新作<br />With recent discoveries involving Edward Snowden and the NSA, your words about  security resound in my ears. We miss you. -JohnI’m so glad that the inreentt allows free info like this!Hello Michael, I don’t know if you remember me. I am John and Peggy’s son. You spent a liltte time with us after my brother passed away. I was looking you up and found your site. I am so glad you were blessed with this opportunity.  It is truly an awesome photograph.Michael-Thanks for coming to Woodland, CA seraevl months ago and speaking.Here is something you did NOT mention in your book is: If the unborn child is not human or have any value, then why is there a Anesthesiologist present for the unborn child during the abortion? From my reading, Anesthesia is used on a patient to undergo a surgery or procedure to assist in blocking pain and distress.  Wow! When our country is more concerned about the treatment of pets and animals than the pain and murder of a child, it is a huge tragedy. Sooner or later, History will view abortion and what we have done to our own as barbaric, cruel, and unbelievable.Presently, people have justified and masked  infant killing  as  wanting to protect a woman’s rights, freedoms and health choices.  Those that look deeply into the subject will see otherwise.              Thank you for what you have done and are still doing.Blessings to you and your family.Thinking of you Mike! Which came first, the problem or the sontliou? Luckily it doesn’t matter.NG74aK  ndnveenomgavYou have an interesting take on this topic. I am happy you shraed your thoughts and I find myself agreeing. I really appreciate your clear writing style and the effort you have put into this piece. Thank you for the solid work and good luck with the blog, I look forward to updates in the future.
Rochester NY
Spencerport NY
Computer Programmer, Ham radio and Masonic Mason member.
  • On your Birthday 2013

    posted on Mon, 11/25/13, 6:26 PM by John M Eeckhout

    Dear Michael,  Happy Birthday- I wish you were here to expirience all the digital switch overs, from communications to lighting.  I just installed Ubumtu Linux and am prepared to abandon Windows 100% in favor of Linux.    Thanks for steering me in the right direction!  -brother John

View All: 2 Memories |


A Memory of Michael by Kathleen Fouquet posted on Tue, 9/2/08, 2:45 PM

Michael is my brother.  I don't think the fact that he's gone changes that.  I can't say he "was" my brother because no matter where he is, he is still my brother.  I didn't see him daily, or even very often, but I miss him.  I can see him in my mind's eye, and sometimes I can hear the cadence of his voice, like when he left me a voice mail message -- "this is Michael Eeckhout" as if I might not know who it was.  It always made me laugh.  He was an unusual man.  Very quiet, yet very intense.  I'm pleased to know how much he was appreciated by the people he knew.  They really liked him an awful lot, which makes me happy.  I am especially sad about the hole his passing leaves in the lives of our parents.  He was very special and important to them.  No matter how hard the rest of us try, nothing can fill that hole.  I wish they didn't have to feel that pain. 

One of my favorite memories is the year Mike and I attended college together.  He's 4 years younger than I am, so we didn't do a lot together, or share the same friends.  I didn't get started in college until my 20s, a few years later than my peers.  I only had a year under my belt when Mike got out of the Air Force and decided he wanted to go to college, too.  I was able to show him how to get started and we took a couple of classes together.  We both enjoyed the physics class.  He had to help me with calculus.  After that first year, he had learned the ropes and went on to get his degree in computer science.  I had to cut back to part-time, so we didn't spend time together on campus after his first year, but I was glad that we had that time together.  I appreciated that we were both adults and not just bickering siblings.

A Memory of Michael by John M Eeckhout posted on Thu, 8/14/08, 8:46 AM

We would like to pay tribute to our late brother Michael J Eeckhout. As you read ahead, you may discover the large effect he has had upon us.

Son of Joseph Maurice Eeckhout and Christina Joyce(Patterson)Eeckhout, Michael Joseph Eeckhout was born on November 25, 1953.
He started his life adventure at #332 Leonard Road, Greece, New York along with his older sisters Kathleen and Maureen.  In 1959, the family moved into a brand new house at 43 Colby Street, Spencerport. While at 43 Colby Street, Mike also gained a sister named Elizabeth in 1961 and brother John in 1963.

Michael led a very active life, making lots of friends like Alan Buckner 45 Colby Street and Bart Schillaci 28 Colby Street. He led the typical life building tree forts in the back woods and making go-carts for the front field. He even broke his leg while downhill sledding!
 In highschool, He and his friend Alan purchased two old VolksWagon Beatle cars. They enjoyed doing laps around the front field just across the street. At one point, the VW car collected so much hay, it caught fire within the rear engine compartment!!
Mike was a technical "gadget" guy and chose to attend the Edison Tech High School in Rochester.
He once built a home made telephone between his bedroom and his best friend Alan's bedroom.
The phone came complete with a buzzer and a 3 pound telephone handset. He made many other "cool" gadgets around the house. He even assembled an old Heathkit CB Radio Kit.

Michael graduated from Edison Tech High School in 1971, and with the vietnam draft soon approaching, he decided to enlist into the Air Force. He became a communications specialist and was stationed in Langerkopf Germany from 1973-1976 where he achived the rank of Sergeant. He was in charge of maintaining high security communications throughout the area. A difficult task during the "Cold War".

When Mike returned in 1976, he immediately attended SUNY Brockport college, where he eventually earned a Bachelors degree in Science. Mike also got a job with Radio Shack and met his close friend Mike Johnson.
CB radio was very popular during this time, and Mike pushed the hobby to great lengths.
He assembled a "Four Element Quad" CB antenna and mounted it upon a 20ft tall tripod, this enabled him to communicate across the entire country. Eventually the homestead became an "Antenna Farm" between all the police scanners/CB antennas!
It wasn't until 1981 when Michael became an Amateur Radio Operator. First earning the  license "N2BPC" then the advanced "KC2LC", then finally the extra class license "NO2Z".
Michael had a special gift of education & encouragement. He shared his interest with great enthusiasm, and the entire family followed his lead. Mother Christina became a Ham Radio operator with the call "N2DEG".  Father Joseph became "N2DRJ" and baby brother John became "N2DRG".

Computers were unavoidable during the late 1980's, and Michael took to the task with vigor.
One of his first computers was the Radio Shack TRS-80. Michael would show the family how to insert the cassette tape into the computer and upload a program. He learned the computer language called "BASIC" and began programming.  
As the years passed through the 1990s, Michael learned about DOS, Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 95, 98, and NT4.
During this time, Michael was employed by Kodak as a "Computer Systems Designer".  He designed and troubleshoot Kodak's film processing & supply inventory. 
By the year 2000, he had learned Linux, HTML and PERL computer languages. Much he had taught himself!!! 

Michael had a great love for Science Fiction. The 2001 Space Odessy was a favorite movie, along with the TV show Star Trek.  Mike watched and recorded every Star Trek program. Even after the the original series ended, Mike eventually recorded Star Trek-The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager. 
  We would be remiss if we did not mention his love for Cheryl. Mike had met Cheryl as "N2KFH" in the Ham Radio world. 
They soon got married and lived at 43 Pine Briar in Greece New York, however they had no children together.
Until Michael's untimely death on tuesday February 26, 2008, Michael feelings for Cheryl was very powerful.
In summary, Mike was a large man in both personality and stature.
He would always help anyone in need with the words "No Biggie!" 
Friends would describe him as a "Gentle Giant".  
Michael will not be forgotten.