A Journal Entry
posted on Wed, 10/3/07, 3:21 PM
Today makes six years that my dad has been gone. I have so many mixed emotions about this day. I keep trying to remember all the good things but then pops up some other stuff that i just cant get past. I know that i shouldnt hold on to this anger or resentment but its so hard to let go. I miss him. Time will never change that. It was at around now (4:22) that he slipped away. I love you dad.
A Journal Entry
posted on Fri, 6/1/07, 12:50 PM
My life is so much different since he has been gone. I miss him. The sound of his laughter. His voice. Everything. I remember when he would come and get me for the summer. I loved the trip up to vt. I got to spend time with him. We wouldnt have to talk just to be in the same place. Sometimes i forget that he is gone and just want to talk with him. I still cant get used to the fact that he is gone. This year will make six years. Some days it feels like yesterday. He was the man i have ever known, my hero.