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A Tribute to Taylor James Hebert

Taylor Hebert
Tara Esthay, Taylor's Aunt
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she doesn’t know the real reason Bentley left!!  no one has told her!!  she still thikns he left because of his daughter!!  she doesn’t know what he was saying behind her back!!  she has no clue the REAL reason he left.  she is down in the dumps because she misses who she THOUGHT he was but i don’t think she would if she knew the truth.Thanks for constantly rendiinmg us how important it is to allow people the time to process the information that we are giving them at conferences.  After an hour and a half session filled with information, I’m grateful if I learn one thing that sticks well enough for me to really make use of it.  I’m keeping all of this in mind as I create my own presentations. I also like the  Zombie  visual.  I’ve certainly seen a few and felt like one myself after a few hours of information overload.Hey, where can I buy the zombie cofnerence t-shirt? This may be your best metaphor yet. I like the  continue the conversation  space after the general sessions at PCMA this year. Of course, it competed with other sessions so I don’t know how much traction it got, but that’s exactly what we need to make learning sink in (especially with general sessions that don’t necessarily connect directly to the cofnerence’s topic areas it can be incredibly useful to take the time to make those connections).Presenters need to do what you’re doing and change it up every 10 minutes or so. And for goodness sake, peel it down to 3-5 main ideas you want to get across, then find lots of interesting ways to connect those ideas to the people in the room. That ought to help.
1 Person
Jennings, Louisiana
Jennings, Louisiana
Tay Tay
Taylor James Hebert died in the early morning hours of December 27, 2005 in a devistating trailer fire. Taylor had just turned 4 years old on December 8 and we had just celebrated christmas 2 days before. Tay Tay had a smile that would light up the world. He is and always will be our little angel that watches over us. We miss him so much!
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