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A Tribute to Nathaniel Timothy Ja Tailby

nathaniel timothy ja tailby
charmaine tailby, nathaniel timothy ja's Mother
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a very special little boy. sent to make the people he met better people by touching there souls a taking their hearts. missed always, rembered dearly every minute of every day x
There are currently no announcements for nathaniel timothy ja tailby's Warm Tribute Online Memorial yet.


A Memory of nathaniel timothy ja by Amy Stanley posted on Tue, 5/10/11, 3:46 PM

 Hi Nathaniel, 


Just wanted to send some love to you from me and Sofia.... Your mummy, big sister Ody, Me & Sofia will be lighting some lanterns for you over the weekend and will be thinking about you! Hope you are being a good little boy :) Lots of love little man xxxx <3




A Memory of nathaniel timothy ja by Antony Brown posted on Wed, 1/30/08, 8:23 AM

You were with us for such a short time, but are constantly in our thoughts.and we know that you are sharing every day with all our relations who have gone over.


Lovi ng you always, Great Grandma and Great Grandad.


A Memory of nathaniel timothy ja by charmaine tailby posted on Tue, 1/29/08, 3:44 PM

i can rember how cheecky you were for nanny. every time she came to the hospital and gave  you a washed and put you in here favourit pair of pj's, she'd lay you back down feeling very proud of herself, and then you would either fill your nappy or promtly throw up on her. (thats my boy) :) we neva held it against you tho darling, it was just an excuse to get a chance to have another cuddle sweetheart and  both me and even nanny after cleaning up ur mess still loved every minute of it and would do it all again in heart beat.


A Journal Entry by charmaine tailby posted on Tue, 1/29/08, 3:28 PM

today i found this site when looking on the internet for information on how i could help raise awarness about cmv the diease that sadly took you from me my angel. i found this and strangly it as sent a air of carmness over me i believe  may have found this site with a little help from you my specail one.

hungry boy

A Memory of nathaniel timothy ja by charmaine tailby posted on Tue, 1/29/08, 3:19 PM

i can rember when i first started feeding you solids, you would want to eat it so fast that as soon as it hit your lips you had swollowed it and were screaming for more. your favourit was chocolate pudding, well anything chocolatereally, and even towards the end when you were not able to eat anything orally, im pretty sure you would have had a good at eating somthing chocolate if i had let you.:) :) :) :) xxxx