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A Tribute to KEVIN Mckeon

KEVIN mckeon
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, I’ll likely stay on Facebook buacese it is useful for publicity for my various writing projects and for connecting with people.I’m fairly comfortable with being public on the Internet, and I never post anything on the Net (including Facebook) that I don’t want others to see.The problem is that not everyone on Facebook understands how public their activities there are, and some are going to get burned.Mind-bending story from beginning to end.  Getting on a train, vltrnoauily, for Auschwitz!!!  Then having to see your sister unloading there, uhg!  Getting out of one hellish Mengele detail somehow (I’m not sure I understood how they got out of that one; will read again), then somehow, in order to avoid what Rena believed would be a fatal winter, took a chance on another work detail courtesy of the good doctor!  And she rolled 7s!  Unbelievable and gutsy beyond words.  The agony seemed to go on forever:  4 am, raus!!, ugh.  I’d have never made it.  Lots of lessons in this incredible account.  I wish they could’ve both stayed with us for another century; would’ve loved to meet them both.
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